Sunday, 29 September 2013

Inspirational Life of Richie Parker Engineer & Driver

I found this video and just knew I had to post it here this fellow has a high inspirational rating in my eyes. The company he works for as an Engineer needs accolade also for their part in his life he must be one heck of an employee. His proud and supportive parents.

Love the way he does things with a great smile of his.

With the Hard drive crash I lost many links and contacts so with my time spent in the workshop in this beaut spring weather I am slowly finding some again so please forgive the delays in posts.

Saturday, 14 September 2013

Long Delay in Posting

Sorry for the long time between posting, but due to winter chills and serious ills that came with them I just had to stop and take a break of sorts. It might be hard to imagine someone sitting in their car in the driveway reading and snoozing in the sun but thats what we did on a couple of days as it was the warmest place to be. We had even got to the point of "Cabin Fever" after been stuck in doors for three weeks straight.

Both Sue my wife and I suffered the worst flu, bronchitis, headcold plus more, we have suffered in many years lasting some six weeks. Although Spring has arrived and we are well on the mend, it took quite a lot out of me, stripped of strength I am having to build myself back to a level where while turning or woodworking the next day I don't ache from head to toe.

During the time of ill health on those days where I felt I could, I still did do some woodwork or metal work or both, this may have been sitting out in the sun trying to warm through to the bones ease the muscles and clear the head. I couldn't work with machines as the head cold and sinus had me struggling to think on the worst days.

Pop over and have a browse at a few things we/I accomplished during that time on our shared blog.

I am getting there now able to do a full days turning with some breaks but those aging muscles let me know when enough is enough so I have a days break or half a day. In the midst of this we have both had to get new glasses eys checked etc, had a Grandsons birthday, a funeral of a long term mates 19 year old son and all those annoying things you have to do and catch up on which do not do themselves while your ill.

Then last weekend the computer hard drive decided to give a grinding noise and come to a sudden stop it wouldn't boot up. That was not funny we thought we had lost everything, well two new HDD's and a full install. A week later and I was able to get the old drive up and running again enough to remove major needs. Sadly we/I have lost many email addresses and info, I hope to restore those but it will take time. If your reading this and you have my email address pop me a note even a blank email I'll know who its from.

Thanks for being here have a wondeful weekend.
