I found out about
Riaan Cloete through his posts on
Facebook, he had posted some photos of the woodturners group he belongs to in Johannesburg . It caught my interest as I saw so many different people wearing a variety of clothing from a
thick coat to
short sleeves, woman as well as men at the lathes.
As usual I flick through often all to quick but hang on something caught my eye.........maybe it was just camera angle? OR the shirt he was wearing!! So I flicked back and I was right Riaan was turning using his left hand and right arm the latter which I saw stops at just below the elbow.
Happy if you share this.
This last lathe is one that Schalk built - it working via a Toyota gearbox - you just select the gear and switch on the lathe.
Dankie / Regards
Riaan Cloete
Thanks Riaan thats some lathe as is the one in the background.
I see you are well into turning demonstrating at schools as well at your group meetings.
I received more information from Riaan this morning and a few more photos.
He says he hasn't tried deep hollowing yet, doesn't count the gobblet as such LOL.
Hi Raymond
I don't mind the questions regarding my disability. I was born like this. In the 60s and 70s Doctors prescribed medication to expecting moms.(I am sure Riaan means Thalidomide) They realise to late that this caused birth defects like mine. Our local Spar (shop) had a manager the same as me.
I was in a normal school that made me more determined to excel in everything I do. I achieved the first prise for woodworking in my last year in school.
I also need to adapt in the way I do turning. Luckily I have one of the best mentors that you can have. We discuss what I want to do and then together we workout how I need to adapt to do it.
I have not attempted deep hollowing - that is my next step. I actually need the correct tool for end grain turning. We are going to manufacture it ourselves.
We have a range of timber from hardwoods to soft. The nicest hardwood that I work with was Matumi (see attached photo of Penn's - #1&3 matumi), the softest Jackaranda. I just picked up two huge pine tree stumps.
Dankie / Regards
Riaan Cloete

A couple of Pine logs he picked up.