Those which are used for holding, clamping, squeezing things the type that lands you in trouble with the wife for buying more.
In any workshop be it hobby or otherwise you'll find a vice of some description, sizes vary from tiny Jewelers, to large engineers vices for metalworking. I did a tally of all the vices I have and came up with nine of them in number of which not one is permanently affixed.
I would like to have them all set up, bolted down, so I can use which ever one I wanted right there and now, firstly I'd need a bigger workshop (don't we all) more benches as well.
This is leading somewhere in particular for those seated when working in their sheds.
Here's David Blog step by step set up on the Moxon Vice.
David Barron from Southhampton UK
A woodworking fanatic! He makes fine furniture as well as a range of very popular hand tools which he demonstrate and sell at shows. He teachs woodworking courses at West Dean College as well as write regular articles for Furniture and Cabinetmaking magazine. He has also recently made some instructional DVD's. See my website
Hi Ray,
do most of my work sitting down and have designed my work benches to
work like a desk so my knees will go under. Having a height adjustable
stool gives added flexibility to work bench tasks.
Please feel free to link in to any of my videos.
All the best,
Thanks David
I can see I will soon have at least one vice which will be affixed to a bench, this will suit my needs for a number of jobs coming up.
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